Spring Time – Northstar Plaza https://www.northstarplaza.com Garland, TX Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:29:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.northstarplaza.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Shop-icon-W-1-32x32.png Spring Time – Northstar Plaza https://www.northstarplaza.com 32 32 Northstar Plaza’s Guide to Getting Ready for Spring Break in Garland https://www.northstarplaza.com/2020/02/18/northstar-plazas-guide-to-getting-ready-for-spring-break-in-garland/ https://www.northstarplaza.com/2020/02/18/northstar-plazas-guide-to-getting-ready-for-spring-break-in-garland/#respond Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:29:52 +0000 https://www.northstarplaza.com/WCMW2/new/2020/02/18/northstar-plazas-guide-to-getting-ready-for-spring-break-in-garland/ Spring break in Garland will be here before you know it, but you still have time to prepare yourself for some well-deserved time off filled with quality time with family. Whether you are deciding to travel for spring break or you simply want to get some things done that you’ve been putting off, Northstar Plaza […]

The post Northstar Plaza’s Guide to Getting Ready for Spring Break in Garland appeared first on Northstar Plaza.

Spring break in Garland will be here before you know it, but you still have time to prepare yourself for some well-deserved time off filled with quality time with family. Whether you are deciding to travel for spring break or you simply want to get some things done that you’ve been putting off, Northstar Plaza has plenty of convenient ways to get ready for spring. Here are the best ways to get ready for spring break in Garland at Northstar Plaza:

Take Time to Declutter During Spring Break in Garland

After a long winter of closed windows and drawn drapes to keep the cold out, you’re probably ready to spring clean your home. If this is the case, then skip shopping in Garland for cleaning supplies at grocery stores, and head to Dollar General at Northstar Plaza. You can grab inexpensive cleaning supplies, containers to store winter decor, trash bags, cleaning gloves and so much more. You might even discover crafts, toys or games that your children can entertain themselves with during spring break.

Take Time to Care for Your Vehicle

Whether you’re about to embark on a long road trip or you are merely due for an oil change, Dallas Automotive can take care of everything for you. Dallas Automotive is conveniently located in our shopping center and offers state inspections, oil changes, and many other automotive repair options.

Schedule Appointments You’ve Been Putting Off

So many of us skip out on going to the dentist, and parents can have a hard time navigating an appropriate time to disrupt their children’s school schedules to make them an appointment. This spring break, head to Smile Magic Dental & Brace while you’re out shopping in Garland and schedule an appointment for yourself and the kids.

Come visit us the next time you’re shopping in Garland and discover the many ways you can prepare yourself for spring break at our shopping center. Want to find more of the best spring break preparation ideas in Garland? Check out our directory today!

Northstar Plaza is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading Retail Real Estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Retail Real Estate services including Project RepresentationTenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Retail Real Estate firm.

Photo Sourced by Getty Images: #486932133

The post Northstar Plaza’s Guide to Getting Ready for Spring Break in Garland appeared first on Northstar Plaza.

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Northstar Plaza’s Guide to Getting Ready for Spring Break in Garland https://www.northstarplaza.com/2020/02/18/northstar-plazas-guide-to-getting-ready-for-spring-break-in-garland-2/ https://www.northstarplaza.com/2020/02/18/northstar-plazas-guide-to-getting-ready-for-spring-break-in-garland-2/#respond Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:29:52 +0000 https://www.northstarplaza.com/WCMW2/new/2020/02/18/northstar-plazas-guide-to-getting-ready-for-spring-break-in-garland-2/ Spring break in Garland will be here before you know it, but you still have time to prepare yourself for some well-deserved time off filled with quality time with family. Whether you are deciding to travel for spring break or you simply want to get some things done that you’ve been putting off, Northstar Plaza […]

The post Northstar Plaza’s Guide to Getting Ready for Spring Break in Garland appeared first on Northstar Plaza.

Spring break in Garland will be here before you know it, but you still have time to prepare yourself for some well-deserved time off filled with quality time with family. Whether you are deciding to travel for spring break or you simply want to get some things done that you’ve been putting off, Northstar Plaza has plenty of convenient ways to get ready for spring. Here are the best ways to get ready for spring break in Garland at Northstar Plaza:

Take Time to Declutter During Spring Break in Garland

After a long winter of closed windows and drawn drapes to keep the cold out, you’re probably ready to spring clean your home. If this is the case, then skip shopping in Garland for cleaning supplies at grocery stores, and head to Dollar General at Northstar Plaza. You can grab inexpensive cleaning supplies, containers to store winter decor, trash bags, cleaning gloves and so much more. You might even discover crafts, toys or games that your children can entertain themselves with during spring break.

Take Time to Care for Your Vehicle

Whether you’re about to embark on a long road trip or you are merely due for an oil change, Dallas Automotive can take care of everything for you. Dallas Automotive is conveniently located in our shopping center and offers state inspections, oil changes, and many other automotive repair options.

Schedule Appointments You’ve Been Putting Off

So many of us skip out on going to the dentist, and parents can have a hard time navigating an appropriate time to disrupt their children’s school schedules to make them an appointment. This spring break, head to Smile Magic Dental & Brace while you’re out shopping in Garland and schedule an appointment for yourself and the kids.

Come visit us the next time you’re shopping in Garland and discover the many ways you can prepare yourself for spring break at our shopping center. Want to find more of the best spring break preparation ideas in Garland? Check out our directory today!

Northstar Plaza is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading Retail Real Estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Retail Real Estate services including Project RepresentationTenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Retail Real Estate firm.

Photo Sourced by Getty Images: #486932133

The post Northstar Plaza’s Guide to Getting Ready for Spring Break in Garland appeared first on Northstar Plaza.

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